Ryan Brinkman (British Columbia Cancer Agency)
#S4:E4 — Ryan Brinkman is Professor Emeritus at the British Columbia Cancer Agency and Chair of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry's (ISAC) Data Standards Task Force.
In this episode of Flow Stars, Ryan joins Peter O’Toole to discuss generating data without a wet lab. They also discuss bioinformatics' clinical and translational benefits and consider what motivates academics.
Watch or listen to all episodes of Flow Stars: flowstars.bitesizebio.com
#BioInformatics #FlowCytometry #FlowStars
In this episode of Flow Stars, Ryan joins Peter O’Toole to discuss generating data without a wet lab. They also discuss bioinformatics' clinical and translational benefits and consider what motivates academics.
Watch or listen to all episodes of Flow Stars: flowstars.bitesizebio.com
#BioInformatics #FlowCytometry #FlowStars